Thursday, January 19, 2012

First Brainstorm of 2012…

And the winds are raging! I’m in two production classes that have the potential to kick my butt by themselves – plus two stinkin’ general education classes that I suck at. (If I wanted to learn more math, I’d be a math major! But I did come here knowing it’s a liberal arts college… So, I guess I can’t complain… Yes I can.) Besides that, i've got even more class and part-time work, but I really shouldn't complain because others have it harder than me. Moving on!
Here’s the deal – for most of my productions this semester, I’ll have to brainstorm with other people. But for my Film Practicum, it’s all me baby! So here have been my first couple ideas:
(Note: I love creating stories with music. Be it a regular music video or something like Lady Killer, music is usually the basis for my creativity and generally brings my ideas to life. My ideas are like podlings and the soil is my brain. Music is the water and God is the sun. All together and woooo pa! A tree of [what I think is] epicness sprouts out of the ground! So, in short, all these ideas are based on/around music I love.)

Idea 1:
Working title: The 8 Stages of Love and Decay
Two main characters (man and woman) go through the stages of love through decay. 1) attraction/magnetism, 2) affection/butterflies, 3) ecstasy/cloud eleven, 4) monotony/routine maintenance, 5) resentment/ill will, 6) suspicion/foul avowal, 7) anger/malice and 8) betrayal/the Judas kiss
Each segment would have a song to back up the emotion. Each segment would be representative of that emotion (so it would be very much like mini-music videos rather than a ‘boy meets girl’ story set in our usual world). This would require a lot of motion graphics and green screen work, but if I could storyboard it to the last detail, it could be done.
Someone told me this was cliché. That’s what I was afraid of. So, onto my second idea.

Idea 2:
Inspired in part by Noblesse (artist: Son Jae Ho), this idea is about a man dressed in 18th century clothes who wakes up in a forest. An MP3 player (probably my Zune) is hanging from a tree before him. He figures out how it works and his stoic face is suddenly struck with surprise as music enters his ears.
He would walk around town meeting people who would add music to the player/search for songs they like. As he shares the music, he learns about the different people who live here. I’ve got some songs and people in mind for this already, but not enough for a full story. I’m wondering if this could be interesting enough and actually hold a story, but though I have the beginning I have no middle conflict or end. I’m all about story, so this one is on hold.

Idea 3:
I’m leaning toward this one.
A kidnapper (and assumed murder) has a kidnapping victim tied up. He flips on the radio/music and “Contigo” begins to play (and upbeat, smooth Spanish song). As he’s preparing his murder weapons and flipping through his notebooks of plans, his captive is struggling against the restrains. He points to her with his knife like a father scolding a child and she stops wiggling. It looks as though she’s run out of energy anyway.
His phone rings and he turns off the music. He nods and says “okay, be there soon” and out the door he goes. Suddenly “do you call my name” by Ra comes on and the captive breaks free. She goes on a rampage, burning the kidnapper’s murderous plans and trashing his HQ. Then she escapes to the song “DANCE.”
In the same shot of her leaving the building, the kidnapper comes back. By now the captive is smaller in the background but we still see her. He opens the door to his HQ and a short clip of “evil (a chorus of resistance)” comes on as if to express that his HQ is trashed.
Then there’s a chase scene to flux pavilion’s “stinkfinger” and a subsequent fight scene to “scared” by 3 days grace. I’ll have to cut that song a lot, but I think it’ll work (either that song or “walkin on a dream” by empire of the sun. haha, that’d be awesome.).
In the end, she wins. She walks away to the beginning of “miss murder” and then the credits roll.
Overall I don’t want it to be long (definitely under 10 minutes; maybe under five) but I want it to be fun. I want the music to play a powerful role in the plot and I want there to be some humor in a completely serious situation. Like in Lady Killer, nervous laughter is what I’m after. Hey, I made a rhyme.

And that’s about it so far. NO ONE STEAL THESE IDEAS! They may come to fruition later on and I don’t wanna see these somewhere else – that’s one of my biggest fears of putting my unfulfilled plans on the internet. But then again, I’m sure to get zero feedback if I never put my seedlings out there…

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