Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunflower and Native Blossom

Presenting: Sunflower and Native Blossom
Click the links above to see them on my deviantart page or check them out below.

Equiptment used: PC, free fractal program "Apophysis," and Adobe Photoshop CS5

You don't have to use CS5 to mix these images, it's just the most up to date photoshop the school has. I enjoy using the software here because i'll probably never be able to buy all this stuff on my own.

After creating the desired fractal and its sister fractals, render each one out as a .png and then compile them in photoshop. Use different composite settings on each layer for different looks and effects. Sometimes i slap a soft blur on one of the inner layers. Inverting them in photoshop is fun, too. Pretty much mess with the options until you get something you like. I've developed a style, so i've been going deeper into the detail of my particular look as of late, but anything goes!


 Native Blossom

These are sister pieces in that i used a similar equation to create them. The first, Sunflower, is made up of three sister images. The second, Native Blossom, only consists of one image but is related to the other three that make up Sunflower. Sometimes when i discover a really great equation i create multiple sister images to sort of 'document' its epicness. As seen here :)

To see more of my fractals and other cool stuff, visit my dA account:


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