Monday, November 7, 2011

The Lord is STILL Good! - Post Zombie Filmshoot

Directing Lady Killer was great fun and a great challenge. It was the biggest cast and crew i've worked with... so far. This experience really opened my eyes to how much i love directing. Though Haunted was a great experience as well, everything was on a smaller scale. It took a couple tries, but now i know for sure that i have seen the light - and it is good.

Check out Haunted and Lady Killer on my YouTube page.

Here are some photos taken during production of Lady Killer, courtesy of Bradly Wisler (photographer) and Nina Prozzo (camera owner).

That's me on the left. I'm so happy :) "Nasty beautiful!" is what i believe i was thinking.

After looking at these shots i wish we'd done it again with me on this side of the fence, but at the end of a project you always wish you'd have done something differently or better. (Nice shots, Brad!)

Some facts about the shoot - this all went down in 3.5 hours. Yeah. Lots of things went wrong in the beginning, but after praying over the zombies and jumping headfirst into the largest part of the production, the evening smoothed out nicely.

The ladies gave me high energy - much appreciated! I didn't have to stop and say, "We have to do that again; you weren't convincing enough." No, no, they were plenty convincing. Just look at Adam's face (the main character) and you can tell right away that some of the girls weren't acting O_O Just kidding.

Special thanks to Chris Reese for getting the tennis court lights on, Gina Chambers for supplying the clothes, and Campus Safety for not charging me for that bloody mess in the bathroom. We cleaned it up pretty quick. Thankfully, fake blood is easy to wipe off tile.

Public release date for Lady Killer: 12/13/11

Also, here's a shout-out and recap of the night from a cast member and fellow YouTuber:
Thanks Bev!

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