Monday, October 3, 2011

Learning How to Draw

Ah! it's the worst thing ever! i'm too old to have such crappy drawing skills as these!!! D: It would have been okay in elementary school, but MAN do i stink at this stuff :(

Why am i trying to draw, you ask? Oh, well that's a rant i've gone over about a million times in my short little life so far, but it's a rant worth-while.

Radon Valley is my first complete novel. It's great, it's epic, but it needs to be drawn. It's good as a book, but it needs to be visual. As a nobody, though, i need an artist to partner with me out of sheer adventure! Yeah, like i've found one of those lying around. So i've sent emails and contact info and all this stuff for years now. YEARS! Sigh. So my friend said to draw it myself. I said "i've tired!" She said "try again."

So here i am, trying again...



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