Saturday, October 1, 2011

I Could Drop You...

But I won't.

I had this thought the other day (the other day meaning like a month ago). It was really for a story i've been writing about two people who are undercover of sorts (not like spies, but just people with secrets about their identity). They know about each other and test each other's ability to stay hidden in society. One person (X) takes it a little too far, nearly revealing who the other person (Y) really is. In response, Y (who is stronger and taller) grabs X by the shirt and pushes him over the railing of a bridge but doesn't let go.

The lake below isn't too far down, but fear grips the throat of X - the fear of falling. Y looks at X with serious eyes and says, "I could drop you, but i won't." Y sets X back on his feet and walks away. X, who hadn't considered God to be real let alone have character or personality, suddenly understands what Christians mean by 'the fear of the Lord.'

So the thought here is that the Lord could drop us but He won't. Why won't He? Because He is above reproach, He is of strong character, He is both understanding and righteous. We fear the Lord because of what He can do. It's respect more than 'i'm so scared' kind of fear. The fear you feel when standing before a person of power. In my case, a rightfully angry parent who could punish me and i know i deserve it. Or, more up-to-date, a boss or leader figure who is disappointed in my productivity, or lack thereof.

Anyway, that's the thought. I'll publish it one day, so don't steal! :P The reason i haven't had a public blog like this before is because i don't want people to steal ideas, but i want to share my thoughts to perhaps inspire people in life or in art. Be inspired! And love the Lord :)

 - TMN

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